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Conto: Salem

Atualizado: 29 de set. de 2021

I would never believe what I am going to tell you, if it hadn't happened to me. In fact, it is a quite incredible story. I don't know how to start it. The only thing I am sure is that my life definitely changed after that cold night. I left work and felt that I had to have a beer - but not more than one - at the pub near my house. It was like the bottle was calling my name. As I was walking down my house, under the bright full-moon light, I felt a presence. Looked back a few times just to feel like someone was watching every move I had did. When I got in the corner of my house, i looked at my left side and saw a cross in front of the forest. I know I shouldn't had enter inside, but the anxiety that run my body couldn't be quiet. I followed the path till a giant house. It was illuminated by the light of the moon and so I entered just to find my reflex in the mirror on the wall that presents in front of me, cold like the weather. I walked around the house when I listened to a noise. It sounded like steps, very cautious steps. I followed the strange sound for a while until I decided to go home and rest my very tired head. As I was walking out the forest, I heard the sound of a thunder, but I never saw the lightening. That noise made my heart beats eight times faster. I went a couple steps ahead and then I found the reason for the first sound I had heard. It had a pair of yellow eyes, a black collar with a pendant with waning moon around its neck. It was the most beautiful cat I had ever seen. I grabbed him in my arms and he looked like a baby who finally found his mom. I took him home and today he is my best friend. It was a very strange way to found a cat but, sometimes, love find weird ways to come to us. Salem was the weirdest but still, the cutest.

Por Camila Machado

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