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  • Foto do escritorCamila

Ensaio: Red

Atualizado: 29 de set. de 2021

(capa: arquivo pessoal)

Today is one of those days. I'm watching myself from the outside. One of those days that I am feeling silly with all the information universe has wrapped around in a glitter-paper for me. It has been one of those days you are in everything, like you were made of dust. Glued in every part of my day. You were in the middle of my dreams, keeping me aware while I was asleep. There were pieces of you in each of the songs my record tried to play today. I don’t want to miss you, like the other girls do... Take me to your river, I want to know. Everything is a signal if it works, and a big waste of time, if it fails. Does the cosmos fails? I won’t know until I know. You were in the heart of the people I love, in the words we've spoken, in the breeze of the night, in the brightness of the infinity screen, always rolling behind my eyeballs. My nails are red for the first time in a while. Say you'll remember me. I think about how good they are going to look if I am not wasting time, if I am being smart, sensitive. How good they'll look on a hand that will be holding yours. I miss your eyes when they were searching for mine.

Por Camila Machado

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