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  • Foto do escritorCamila

Crônica: About Sundays

It's the Sunday feeling, probably. It feels like art, and as every art, it contains melancholy. I always felt this wild desire of living in an abstract way. Always felt so disappointed cause I couldn't draw anything, so, I could never present my art for the world. I, constantly, have this feeling that someone has to validate my ways of expressions. My clothes, my make-up, my art. As if my thoughts and approvals werent enough, not for myself. I constantly think of my veins and how I cannot feel them in my body, even though I know they are there. Here. I imagine the day they will be empty. As empty as they sound. And then, it runs in my mind the idea that I have to do something great. Something huge. Even knowing that most of people on Earth die without leaving anything behind. I want to live life without chains. And still, everything in life, ties me up. I wanna write, take pictures, sing loud. I wanna make people feel something. I want to feel something.

Por Camila Machado

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